Last week someone committed an random act of kindness for my family. You can read about that here . I noticed this morning that our site had a visitor from Russia, and that there was a link back to the following YouTube video. The title reads, “Мир не без добрых людей.” In case like me you don’t speak Russian, it translates, “The world is not without good people”.
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of all the negative dash-cam videos we see in the news. This skewed view of the world might lead one to believe that people are basically bad. That is not the view of the world I want our 4½-year-old daughter have. This short video compilation of Russian dash-cam clips illustrates the opposite—what I’ve always believed—people are basically good.
I’ll echo the person who posted the video in calling for all of us all to: “Совершай добрые дела!” Translation: “Do Good Deeds!” Have you ever had anyone perform an act of random kindness for you or someone you know? I’d love for you to share it in the comments below. Also, please feel free to share a bit of positive news by Retweeting or share this on Facebook.
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Firstly, I’m amazed by how many Russians have in-dash cameras!
Secondly, thank you for sharing, both Michael, and the original anonymous Russian! I don’t watch the news or any reality shows, so I’m not usually exposed to all the violence, stupidity and callousness of the general population. (My teen sons’ video games aside)
I know there is good in the world, because it surrounds me from the people with whom I spend time – both in person and online (including you Michael) 🙂 but I LOVE seeing other examples whenever possible, and shedding the occasional tear of contentment that there really is kindness in the world – especially for the aged and animals.
Who knew about their dash cams? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m not sure. Anyway, I found it quite touching how easy it was to capture random acts of kindness, in a world many think is dark and devoid of love and kindness. I’d also like to thank you, Mary Kathryn, for taking the time so often to leave a comment on my posts. It means a great deal. Have a super afternoon!
From what I’ve heard/read, hit-and-run “accidents” and such scams are so rampant in Russia that almost everyone has a dashcam for their own protection (which is the reason we got so many fantastic videos of that meteor a while back…) — it’s nice to know that our faith in human goodness is also being protected by them 🙂
I hadn’t heard about that, Darin. But something they installed to capture negative things managed to capture so much good in people. Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving a comment. Hope you have a super weekend!
That made my day! I am so glad I took the time to watch. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome, Justin. I had the same reaction. Usually I don’t take the time to watch YouTube videos, but because they’d visited and linked to my earlier post about Random Acts of Kindness. I was curious. So glad I watched it, too.
Hi, the reason why the use of dashcams are so prevalent in Russia is due to the lawless, ungoverned roadways / poor infrastructure which leads to a whole myriad of problems such as collision, hit n runs, insurance scams and police corruption. There are countless videos on youtube highlighting the every day problems occuring within the roads of mother russia. Although, the general perception is that the russian motorists act like cowboys on the road… however the above video highlights another side of society, that being individuals have a kindness within.
Thanks for your comment, Austin. I’m sure they are used in the US especially with police and other public sector drivers… as well as commercial drivers. I did see one trucker who had a live cam on is truck. Kind of interesting… for a while. Don’t think I’ve seen the average family driver have one, thought I suppose that could change.