Favorite Baby Books?

Book cover of "Daddy Hugs"

Click on image to view ‘daddy hugs’ details on Amazon. Note: images  on this site may be affiliate links.

Every night after our baby girl’s bath I took her to the nursery and read stories before bedtime. It provided a lovely daddy-daughter time at the end of each day. Now that she’s 15 (yikes!) I see it inspired a love of books and reading in our daughter that is still part of her bedtime ritual. These are just a few she liked as a baby.

Book Cover of "Goodnight My Duckling"

Read ‘Goodnight, My Duckling’ description on Amazon

What are your favorite children’s books? Most that I read our baby were gifts from family and friends. I’ve noted several our daughter loved are by the same authors, in particular Nancy Tafuri (“Goodnight My Duckling” & “The Donkey’s Christmas Song”) and Karen Katz (“Daddy Hugs” & “Where is my Bellybutton?”).

Book Cover of "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish"

Read the description of “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish” on Amazon

And of course I read her “classics” from my childhood by Doctor Seuss and Maurice Sendak. Do you have any recommendations for other parents? What were your favorites as a child? What do you or will you read your children? Thanks so much for helping other parents find great books!


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    • Christine Salmon on at
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    The Cows are Going to Paris – what a cute book!

    and The Paperbag Princess – turns chivalry on its head!

    1. Awww… I just looked at both of those on amazon.com, Christine. They look delightful, thank you! I like the message (given our baby is a girl) of The Paperbag Princess, and the Cows are Going to Paris looks whimsically wonderful. I’m definitely going to check for them at Half Price Books this weekend.

  1. computer is up. sad to say, my parents didn’t read books to me. I think it’s great you do this with your child. have a good day.

    1. I hope you can get all of your settings back they way you want them. Must have been hard not having a computer for so long. I loved reading as a child, and imagine my mother reading to me really helped with that. Molly seems to enjoy books, and I certainly want to encourage that. I’m sorry to hear you didn’t have that as a child. I’m sure that’s pretty common actually. Have a great evening!

  2. skippy jon jones, and knuffle bunny books!!!! the pigeon books by mo willems are good too. 😀

    1. Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale? You know, I haven’t read that one. I’ll definitely check it out. I’m Mr Mom for a few days while S is in NYC at BlogHer. I’ll probably take our two year old (can you believe she’s that old?) to Barnes & Noble tomorrow.

  3. Finding these at the library this week!
    Thanks for the great suggestions. My two year old is very into Max & Ruby, Maisy and all things rhyming right now.
    My eight month old does not seem to have the attention span at the moment to sit still for a book and any that we give her just end up being chewed on! We have gotten some of those cloth books for her! HA!

    1. Thanks for dropping by my blog, Abbie. Our girl is officially a toddler now. Sigh. Sometimes I wish she’d stay a baby, but she’s wonderful at any age. Tell your two year old I’m a fan of Max and Ruby, too. Honestly I find I ca n take only so much of shows like Dora the Explorer or Go Diego Go and Yo Gabba Gabba. But some of the shows with slower paces and more old fashioned themes like Max and Ruby, Olivia, Little Bear, etceteras are more my pace. LOL. The newest books I’ve bought her (I read to her every night before bed) were a collection of classic Winnie the Pooh tales and also a collection of Frog and Toad stories. I really want to instill the love of reading in her that I developed as a little boy. Have a great evening, Abbie.

    • Typical Suburban Family on at
    • Reply

    Great list of books! I actually just read Red Fish Blue Fish tonight to my 3.5 year old. Love that book. Here is a list of our 10 favorites:


    1. Our two year old likes the Dr. Suess books, also. Last night she picked up “one fish two fish red fish blue fish” and said “eggs and ham.” Right author, wrong book. She watches Curious George on PBS some mornings, so I might see if the library has that one. Lately we’ve been reading books like the original “Winnie the Pooh” collection and also a collection of “Frog and Toad” stories. You have a lovely day!Thanks for stopping by adaddyblog.com!

  4. It’s nice to see a daddy blog! I love books as a teacher and a parent. If you read to them, they will come and listen. Period! It’s good for a our kids to get away from computers and the constant speed of life and read a real book!!

    Nice blog!!

    1. Thanks so much, Betsy! My mother and uncle were teachers and I work in higher ed, myself. I quite agree with you. Reading to our children is so important. As an educator I’m so happy to hear you are promoting it so strongly. Life is moving too darned fast these days, and there is nothing like a good book to slow things down. Thanks again for stopping by. Have a lovely night!

  5. For two year olds, our favorites were I Went Walking, Knuffle Bunny, Bear Snores On, and Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. But honestly, my dad would read the kids The New Yorker and they were just thrilled to be in his lap being read to.

    1. But honestly, my dad would read the kids The New Yorker and they were just thrilled to be in his lap being read to.

      Reading to children is so important. Great for your dad reading to the kids. I loved sitting in grandpa’s lap. 🙂

  1. […] This is not a sponsored post, nor an affiliate link. I loved reading as a child, and have read to our daughter before putting her to bed every night for more than four years. It’s a wonderful bonding time […]

  2. […] Favorite Baby Books […]

  3. […] This is not a sponsored post, nor an affiliate link. I loved reading as a child, and have read to our daughter before putting her to bed every night for more than four years. It’s a wonderful bonding time […]

  4. […] Favorite Baby Books […]

  5. […] baby I read to her every night. The books we read changed as she grew, of course. Here are a few favorite baby books from another post. Now that she’s a teenager she saves her money to buy books, and reads for […]

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