Best Baby Strollers – The Experts Weigh In


To be clear, the experts in question are you my readers! Who are more expert then those who’ve been there and done that, right?


Please leave a comment to help us and other new parents learn from your expertise, your experience and if you don’t mind help us learn from your mistakes as well. 😉 What is the best baby stroller in your opinion? There are so many, how do you pick the right one?

Best Baby Stroller Options - Bottom of the Line

I’m going to guess the best baby stroller is someplace between these two examples. It probably also varies with the age and number of children. What would you recommend to help a new parent choose? Also, do/did you still use one with your toddlers? If so, for what purposes and which ones?

Best Baby Stroller Options - Top of the Line

My daughter is nearly 3 years old and her original stroller is getting a bit worn. In your experience are there times a stroller for a 3 year old may still come in handy, or is it just a waste of money? Please leave a comment. It will help not just us, but other readers. Thank you!

*Please note: as with any child care purchase investigate the applicable safety certifications of each product. A Daddy Blog may not be held accountable for recommendations made. And in fairness, if you love a product recommended below we can’t take credit either. 😉 Please assume any links on may be compensated. Recommendations below, however, are NOT sponsored.


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  1. Piggie Backs work best for us over 3 years old

    1. Okay… forgive the new parent question, but do you mean carrying the child piggy back or do you mean a product named “Piggie Backs”? I tried Googling the latter but not sure I’m finding the right thing?

  2. We don’t use a stroller for JDaniel. I need him to wear himself out by walking.

    1. I can see the benefit of walking for the child’s exercise as well as wearing him/her out, but isn’t that very slow going when walking in a large place?

  3. I love the peg perego pliko p3 2010. It’s the Mercedes of strollers!!

    1. The Peg-Perego 2010 Pliko P3 Stroller looks very similar to our initial stroller. I like that it has the optional baby carrier and car seat integration as well, so it can be used for quite a while. It’s been marked down 33% on Amazon, but is still a very pricey $253.84. But then as you say, it’s the Mercedes of strollers!

  4. I second the peg perego. The best investment we’ve ever made. My MIL calls it the Caddilac of strollers. It had transformer qualities, so the baby can be laying flat or sitting or reclining, and a car seat comes separately as an addition. We love it!

    1. Thank you Irina. I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t know about the Peg-Perego until reading your comment and the one above just now. Those “transformer” qualities you mention sound like something you’d want to look for any infant stroller purchase. How does it rate for safety? That’s always my first question on anything for our little girl.

  5. I love our Bugaboo. We bought it with our first daughter (5.5 years ago) and are still using it with our 3rd child. Perfect condition and we’ve definitely put it thru the paces! We’ve never felt the need to buy any other stroller because this one is so versatile. My infant can ride in it or my 5yo

    1. Do you mean the Bugaboo Chameleon? Wow… it looks really nice, too. You use it all the way up to 5 years of age. That’s versatile. Where did you buy it. We got our original stroller at Babies-R-Us, but I’m including links to Amazon with these images. Price shopping for such expensive investments (especially in today’s economic environment is important), but I guess if they last that long it may be worth it.

  6. Also, we got the platform that attaches to the stroller that allows an older child to “ride” along behind.

    1. Do you think that’s the Piggie Backs suggestions made in the first comment. That’s a cool idea. So the older toddler stands on this platform?

  7. Howabout a wagon & umbrella stroller-yhey fit in our trunk. I gotta say, spending 300 on a stroller that is a glorified umbrella stroller is not ever gonna happen here, particularly not for my toddler. U can buy a birthday gift on babies r us and get a free umbrella stroller. They sell umbrella strollers w canopies for $12 in store.

    Do u guys have a Mei-Tai or ring sling? My 3.5yo does like back carries in that. Love pram-like buggy Strollers for infants but we just found ours at yardsale/used bc the old ones r soo cool. Living in apartment tho, babywearing and a infant baby carrier caddy are our go to’s.

    1. Those old fashioned prams like you’d expect to see in Victorian London are wicked cool. We did buy a wagon (even has a canopy for the sun) as a Christmas present (see the photo). Doesn’t work so well for jogging… not that I’m doing much of that. I’ll have to look into the Mei-Tai or ring sling. Not familiar. I love our BabyBjorn, but she’s much to big for that now, as you can see. 🙂

  8. Love those canopies! We have an umbrella, its ok. & ur little girl looks like a kindergartener compared to my wee one. Guess I should search for what ur feeding her. Yeah so jogging isn’t gonna work w babywearing. I’ve only seen two real jogger strollers, even the BOB warns not to use jogging.

    1. I’ll definitely check into the safety of anything we get, as any parent would… and for the planned use. As for her height… yes, this photo was taken a month ago at 33 months old. She towers over some of her friends, but not all. Thanks again for your help!

  9. Just weighing in over here. Stroller can come in handy if you are going to be on vacation and doing a lot of site seeing; like say, you were planning a trip to Ireland or Germany.

    At age 3, the little ones are in that independent stage where they don’t much like being confined all that much. They are ready to go about exploring the world around them. Your walks may take longer due to the fact that her little legs aren’t as long as yours, so her stride is smaller, however it is a vital part of growing up to be able to be out and about like her mommy and daddy.

    Like I said, just weighing in…

    1. Thank you, Mitzi. That’s actually the kind of advice I need. While I worry there will be times when she’s tired of walking and we’ve got a lot of ground to cover (e.g. while traveling) perhaps that can be handled by a small/light umbrella stroller… and otherwise let her have that 3 year old freedom to walk herself otherwise. Only two more months to go before she’s three. OMG.

  10. We had the Graco Quattro Tour Duo stroller and we loved it! The only problem is that it is gigantic which made it not the most versitile thing. It is awesome for disney when we didn’t have to rent a car.

    That being said we now have two Chicco Capri strollers that we love. They fold up great and have fit neatly into any vehicle that we have rented, even in Europe.

    1. Thanks, John. I’ll have to look into the Chicco Capri. We also had a large stroller, carseat, carrier combo. Definitely not for air travel. LOL. It was the Chicco Cortina Stroller (Notting Hill model… tell me I wasn’t sayed by it’s name). I do take her current carseat on all flights though for safety reasons.

  11. We got some good milage from our Phil & Teds Sport double stroller. Was good when we had the baby and we could lay the front seat flat for a swinging nap time spot and then transformed with the two boys taking us right up and out of the stroller ages.

    1. That sounds super handy. I’ve seen people trying to negotiate the side by side strollers (mostly for twins) and that seems rough. Sounds like the design of yours was really flexible. Cool. Thanks!

      p.s. Given the sometimes grey weather up there did you get one of these covers for it? 😉

  12. Hi Michael!
    Our boys are 27 months old and we just bought a new stroller about two months ago. It’s called the City Mini Double Stroller. It comes in the single version too.
    I love having it for my little guys. There are big for their age and they are all over the place if I let them run loose. The stroller is comfy for them and very easy to maneuver and to pack up. you can visit my blog link to see it.

    1. Wow, that’s a great looking stroller, Liz. Perfect for two. So the side by side orientation hasn’t proven to hard for negotiating tight places. I know, read your review. LOL. I’ll go do that. thanks so much for your advice. I’m sure it will help other parents as well. The link to her post on this is above.

  13. Hi!
    We swear by our Bugaboo Bee! We’ve had it since my tot was 12 days and she’s now 18 months old. My husband was the one who fell in love with it on first sight…he pushes it around with pride hehe 🙂

    Anyway, we’ve travelled with it from Southeast Asia (SIngapore and Philippines) to over 6 states in the US during fall and winter last year and it has surpassed the climate changes. We got the cocoon (a must have during eraly infancy) and foot muff to keep her snug during colder temps. There’s a newer bee in the market now. We’re sticking with our bugaboo bee until my tot outgrows it 🙂 Oh and they have pretty good after sales support too!

    1. You are the second person swearing by a Bugaboo stroller. They do look really cool. I can see why the hubby likes pushing it around. Glad for the resale, as they are a bit pricey. Darned sweet, though. 🙂

  14. We use a wagon for Abby. She’s 3 and thinks they are fun. She don’t like strollers any more.

    1. Hi, Terri. My little girl got a wagon for Christmas when she was 2. I included a picture up above. They are awfully handy.

    • Jackie Darrington on at
    • Reply

    I’m gonna have to go ahead and put in my plug for the Peg Perego Pliko P3. As has been said above it’s a phenomenal stroller. It is a bit pricey, but we bought ours 5 years ago and it’s still just as nice as it was the day we pulled it out of the box. We’ve really loved it.

    1. Full of salient points. Don’t stop believing or writing!

  15. I am hands down a Bumbleride stroller lover! We’ve owned two of them, plus lots of other brands and always go back to the Bumbleride.

    1. Wow… is this the kind you are taking about. They remind me of the ones I grew up with in Europe. Really cool, but awfully pricey. I guess you are saying you get what you pay for?

  16. We have the Phil and Teds, and I love love love it! It has a double attachment and its great for 2 kids. My 3 year old will still use it no prob. I would never leave the house if we didn’t have it.

    1. That’s pretty cool Again not one of the cheaper strollers out there, but I like that it’s expandable. Thanks for sharing this, Kate!

  17. The Bugaboo’s and Peg’s are definitely the cream of the crop…but also come with the hefty price tag! We bought a Joovy Caboose. It also has some transforming qualities — but not quite as expensive. I think we paid $150.00 at Babies R Us. It has an attachment so you can plop the infant car seat in the front, then when they are older you switch to the tray attachment and the sit (2 recline positions). But the best part is if you have more than 1 child, or are planning on having another, is the seat/platform on the back. An older child can sit (with option to strap in too), or stand on the back. Since our daughter was 2 1/2 when #3 arrived, this was a great option. Even though middle child is 4 now, sometimes she still sits/stands if we are going for a long walk. But the “baby” is 20 months now and sometimes she likes to sit on the back seat….and then I can put groceries/bags/diaper bag, etc. in the front seat. Very versatile.
    And most important – a cinch to fold up!! A must for busy moms/dads on the go!
    The only downside….no place to put your coffee 🙁

    1. Actually I was just looking on Amazon (that’s wear the link below take you) and they have an add-on to hold your coffee now. 🙂 The standing in back part is cool, and as you said it’s $150 which is much less than some of the premium strollers above. I guess it comes down to one’s budget. Thanks for sharing this:

  18. We at AlbeeBaby would recommend the Uppa Baby Vista stroller – it’s in the same category as Bugaboos & Peg Peregos – but we like it even better. It works from birth to 50 lbs, includes a bassinet & seat, is easy to clean, the handle can be adjusted for height & more. In our opinion, it’s the best all-in-one complete stroller!

  19. We’re a big fan of our BOB stroller, which we also use for running. Our guy’s not 3 yet, so we don’t know how well it’ll hold up, but so far so good. We live in an urban neighborhood and one of the biggest benefits of the BOB is that it has great shocks for going over the well worn sidewalks, and a great turning radius navigating through tight spaces. The downside is that its a bit heavy and can take up a lot of space in the trunk of the car.

  20. We love our Maclaren stroller (it is so light weight) and of course, our Bugaboo Cameleon

  21. For the long walks when my son was 3 he used to ride his balance bike. He loved it, I didn’t have to push it (I had surgery on my hand and couldn’t push a stroller at that point), he kept up the pace and got some exercise.
    Personally, I wouldn’t bother dropping the cash on a new stroller if you don’t have plans for another child to use it.

  22. Bugaboo, Bugaboo,Bugaboo. It was expensive but it was by the best of both strollers and prams by a long shot. We bought when it was the frog, but I would buy the Cameleon if I was buying one today. Ours has taken an absolute beating on nature trails, the beach, snow you name it.

    1. Thanks, Jenny. I guess sometimes you DO get what you pay for!

  23. I personally think Evenflo Aura Travel System are one of the best travel strollers to use for your baby the quality is awesome as well as it features. You can use it with single hand steering making it easier to transport and it comes with a free baby car seat. Check out this Aura Travel System review that might be useful for you to decide.

  24. I personally think Evenflo Aura Travel System are one of the best travel strollers to use for your baby the quality is awesome as well as it features. You can use it with single hand steering making it easier to transport and it comes with a free baby car seat. Check out this Evenflo Aura Travel System review that might be useful for you to decide.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. I love online reviews and ratings. They can be a big help for parents! Because of your link you got caught in spam filter. I’ve pulled your comment back out.

  25. I personally think Evenflo Aura Travel System are one of the best travel strollers to use for your baby the quality is awesome as well as it features. You can use it with single hand steering making it easier to transport and it comes with a free baby car seat. Check out this Evenflo Aura Travel System review that might be useful for you to decide.

  26. I love the Uppababy Vista and Bob Revolution depending on the situation. Both are fabulous strollers and I’ve had quite a few!

    1. I’ll have to look those up. So you have a try it and buy it program on your site: That’s cool, Sarah.

      1. Yep, we sure do! Just like you test drive a car, you can test drive a stroller. They’re expensive and you need to make sure it’s going to work for you before you buy. Hard to tell just by reading other peoples opinions online!

        1. Test driving via your store sounds like a super way to go. Thanks for weighing in. (no this is not a sponsored post or comment) 😉

    • Tom Kalikajaros on at
    • Reply

    Phil & Teds Sport double was our first and only purchase. It’s incredibly nibble and gets in and out of buses easily.

    Second seat came in handy when bubbah #2 came along. Kids are now 2 and 4 and the P&T still travels in the car. Folds up real quick and easy. It is very rare that we dont add the second seat when used. Miss 4 occassionally wants to crash in the P&T or it carries the shopping.

      • Tom Kalikajaros on at
      • Reply

      Annnnnnnd… P&T sell good range of accessories to go with it. The covers as you see in picture above. A traveller carry bag to pack it up (wheels pop-out) and send as luggage.

      Lastly, we damaged the material in the early stages of it’s journey with us. We were easily able to order replacement part and fit.

  27. We had the Contours Dual stroller and we loved it, it is a bit huge but it is doing itss job great.

  28. Hi, this is a very good article about stroller. i do like Britax B stroller. However its kinda bulky for me. I do like compact stroller with modern and simple touch. Have you ever seen this armadillo stroller? i found out on and one of the best stuff i ever purchased online. It is ultra compact and easy to use and the seat is padded and very soft imo. Im looking forward for your review on this one as im really in love with this stroller! 😉

  29. Buying a stroller can be overwhelming. You go to the store and see the row of strollers and it just seems none have all the features you want. You must first figure out what you want in a stroller before going shopping. I would be suggest three questions to ask yourself about the stroller as you want:

    1. What is my lifestyle?
    2. What is my price range?
    3. What features do I care about?
    1. Thanks, Julie. Great suggestions!

  30. Great Article! I have gone through the article, i think you should also include baby accessories.
    I am looking forward to see more information on related accessories.
    Parents are always looking for the best accessories for their newborn.
    Thanks in advance.

  31. Great Article! I have gone through the article, i think you should also include baby accessories.
    I am looking forward to see more information on related accessories.
    Parents are always looking for the best accessories for their newborn.
    Thanks in advance.

  32. I need a lightweight stroller for my baby. I am looking for that.

  33. Nice Blog! It’s really a cool and useful piece of information. I’m glad that you shared this helpful info with us. Please keep us up to date like this. I also have a blog about Baby Stroller reviews. Check Out:

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Anna. Appreciate you stopping by!

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