Do you know when Father’s Day 2012 is and what you’re getting for dad?

If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering, “when is Father’s Day 2012?”  Turns out, here in the good old USA it’s celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of June each year; so Father’s Day in 2012 is on Sunday, the 17th of June. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, what’s a good gift for dad?

In my humble opinion one of the best gifts for dads (and grandads) are books for them to read their little ones. Here are some great books for Father’s Day from Disclaimer: if you buy about 50 of them I may earn enough commission to purchase a venti latte at Starbucks. 😉

Daddy Hugs (Classic Board Book) by Karen Katz

One of our daughter's early favorites

I believe reading to ones children is among the most important things parents can do. When our daughter was a baby my wonderful wife suggested I read to and put her to bed each night to ensure daily quality time with daddy. I took her recommendation, and I highly recommend it, dads!

I really don’t care if you buy a book via my little ‘store’ here. But I do care if you read to your kids. Libraries and free online book-swaps are great ways to keep a fresh stock on hand. Happy Father’s Day!

p.s. If you are reading this post after Father’s Day, I will update it with book recommendations for the next upcoming holiday, e.g. right after Father’s Day I’ll put up some good books for the 4th of July.

Do you read to your kids? What are your favorite books?

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  1. Thanks for the tips on fathers day presents, I never know what to get mine!

    1. I appreciate your comment, Jon. You can never go wrong with a gift that encourages and supports parents (and grandparents) reading to their kids. Visiting the library with them and letting them pick out books is a great way to foster a love of reading, which I feel is hugely important.

  2. No I dont know what to get my husband for fathers day this year. Any suggestions? 😉

    1. Dads can be the worst about not sharing gift ideas with their spouses. Often though, we really don’t have any ideas to share. It’s a guy thing. I feel time spent together with your family (the gift of time) is perhaps the best gift of all?

    • Anne @GreenEggs&Moms on at
    • Reply

    I love book recommendations; good luck with your venti latte 🙂

    1. Thanks, Anne. Great to have you drop by this evening (well, your time). I’m not holding out much hope on that Venti Latte, but that really wasn’t the point of the blog. 🙂

  3. Don’t forget thrift stores. Great source of books for kids.

    1. Great point! We also shop kids consignment shops, though that’s more for clothing and such. I’m so happy you stopped by!

  4. Thanks a lot for the gift ideas. I was actually clueless on what to get my dad during that special day. The book will do.

    1. Books are great gifts for almost anyone for any occasion. Thanks, Grace.

  5. Unfortunately, my dad has left a couple of years ago, but my son has got actually no idea what to give to his father. I told him to do something personal, but your tips are inspirational as well.

    1. I’m sorry for the loss of your dad. I lost mine before our daughter was born, so he’ll never get to read to her, either, sadly. I like your son’s idea of getting “something personal”. It could also be something one can’t purchase, such as a nice afternoon spent together just them?

  6. Here’s where I’m buying gifts for my Dad, Grandfather and my SO’s Dad.

    I highly recommend checking this guy’s stuff out because I bought my SO’s Mom
    a gift from this guy and she and her Mom thought I paid way more than I did
    and were both THRILLED so I got lots of free “cool points” and uhmmm other “rewards”.

    I wrote him yesterday and there’s still time but clearly I’d hurry if I were you

    1. Cool. Thanks for the tip, Shawn.

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