Category: family

Doctor Who as Role Model?

Doctor Who (Tennant and Piper)

The Doctor is the perfect role model: He’s opposed to violence, he’s smart, he’s funny, yet he still sometimes screws up and makes mistakes. He doesn’t, however give up, and when he stumbles, he learns from it.

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A Thank You on Veterans Day

Regardless of one’s personal feelings about the necessity of today’s or any other wars, let’s all take a moment this Veterans Day to remember the sacrifices made by generations of our men and women. My wife wrote the following in her blog today, and I could not have said it better. (I just added the …

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Are You a Hat Person?

Have you ever noticed how some people look great in hats, and on others they simply look silly? I’m not really sure if I’m a hat person or not, as I’ve never much had the desire to cover up my lovely head of hair with a hat. Oh, did that sound vain? Sorry, but knowing …

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The CIA: Fun for the Whole Family

First of all, let me say. I love my country (that’s the USA, in case you are a first time reader) and appreciate the efforts of all those in the trenches (literally and figuratively) who keep us safe. And I have no desire to get my name on any sort of list. So if any …

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Sleeping on the Job?

Do any of you sleep on the job? Do you wish you could? With a six-month-old baby at home neither my wife nor I are always getting a full night’s rest. Sometimes I’m so sleepy at work I think if I could just close my eyes and snooze for 20 minutes it would really help. …

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Scarborough Renaissance Festival

My wife, I and our wee baby girl have visited Scarborough Renaissance Festival near Dallas several times this year. We always find it quite entertaining… and it’s almost over. So, join the King and Queen and all the villagers and guests on this the final weekend of Scarborough Renaissance Festival before the gates close on …

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